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Wild Food and Foraging

Can you eat shoots and leaves?

In spring especially, just as the world is becoming green again, there are a number of young shoots and leaves emerging which are particularly tasty. At this time of year...

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olight m2r review uk

Olight M2R Pro Warrior Torch

Olight are starting to really make a name for themselves in the SAR, tactical and outdoor professional world – so when they offered their 2020 M2R Pro rechargeable LED torch...

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It's safe to say that Andy has made his way through life so far by pushing himself and deliberately pitting himself against his own barriers. From a young age he learned to climb and handle himself in the outdoors and progressed from there, teaching himself the ropework skills he would need to climb big walls like El Capitan. Since then Andy has become a well-known and award winning British climber, writer and speaker. Continue reading

Richard Prideaux answers questions from our patrons, discord members and audience with a backdrop of crackling campfire, interfering dogs and sheep several fields away. Continue reading

Chris Smart is ex-military and now runs 112 Survival, a survival training company based out of a wood in Shropshire, UK. Richard and Chris delve into the interesting world of survival training. Continue reading

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Can you eat shoots and leaves?

In spring especially, just as the world is becoming green again, there are a number of young shoots and leaves emerging which are particularly tasty. At this time of year the undergrowth in woodlands and grass in meadows are still quite low, making it really easy to see and then identify the good wild edibles as they emerge. Below are our top five spring greens,

Welsh shoreline foraging - Porth Trecastell

Throughout the year we get asked to help out with events and projects related to wild food and foraging - and occasionally that requires heading out to explore and survey an area to see if it what we need is actually available in that location.

outdoor courses uk 2019

How to use Magic Map

Something that we always talk about on our foraging courses is the law. This isn’t in a general “don’t do naughty things or the police will throw you in jail”, but a well researched overview of the various laws which apply when you are out collecting plants and funghi. Aside from the well-known factor of protected species, we talk about the less well known protected areas of land, which can even prohibit the landowner from digging a hole on their own patch without the correct permissions...

hawthorn may blossom

Ne'er cast a clout til May be out

Where does this phrase come from and what does it have to do with that spiky shrub that's found in every British hedgerow?

foraging for golden saxifrage

Early Spring Foraging in the UK

As we roll out of a relatively cold winter into the first weeks of Spring - it's time to get out into the woods and fields and find some Wild Food.

Arum maculatum

Arum Arum maculatum

A plant with many suggestive names thanks to it’s appearance, Arum is a commonly found, highly toxic plant of woodlands and hedgerows. Despite all parts of the plant being toxic, the root of Arum was once baked, ground and used as a substitute for arrowroot. The bitter taste resulted in it being demoted to use as a starch for ruffs, this isn’t recommended thanks to the skin blistering effects it has.